Space: Above And Beyond is a war drama sci-fi series created by
Morgan and James
Wong, and set in 2063-2064 AD. Unfortunately, it was cancelled
after its first season on May 6th, 1996 by the Fox
Broadcasting Network because it didn't get the Nielsen ratings
it deserved.
What Fox didn't think about was, that due to THEIR change of the
airing schedules, people were confused and couldn't find the episodes
The historical as well as the literary background of this show
stems from many sources: World War I & II - especially the Pacific
Campaign, The
Forever War by award winning author Joe
Haldeman and last but not least COMBAT!,
the sixties series about WW II.
But Morgan and Wong succeeded in blending all these things and
more and create something totally new and innovative.
In this futuristic show which bears a lot of resemblance to our
own current political and ethical issues, mankind has become confident
of solitude in the universe, and established colony missions on
distant worlds. All is peaceful, until both colonies are completely
destroyed by a vicious alien race ...
Space Above And Beyond shows the life and development of a squadron
of five young Marines during the years 2063 to 2064 under the
command of a veteran Colonel.
All of them have different reason to join the US Marine Cavalary
- Nathan wants to seek his girl-friend,
Cooper is sentenced to serve in
the USMC for offending the law, Vanessa
seeks her goal in life, Shane
wants to get rid of her past - to make a life of her own and last
but not least, Paul wants to toughen
Lots of negative aspects of the war are shown in the episodes
- the doubts of the soldiers on what they are doing, nervous breakdowns,
drug abuse, personal losses, corruption and racism. At the beginning
of the war they are still newbies but soon they turn into seasoned
and disillusioned soldiers who have to fend for their lives and
also for life on Earth ... against an enemy which is not only
the Aliens but also comes from their own human ranks, a powerful
But what is also shown in this show - and this makes it
such an exceptional good show - is how the soldiers can stand
the daily cruelty and horror around them: Loyalty, Dedication,
Honour and Friendship and even Love are the values they rely on.
Disclaimer: The characters and situations of Space:
Above And Beyond are legal property of James
Wong and Glen
Morgan, Hard Eight Production and 20th Century Fox Television.
No copyright infringement intended.
All site graphics, original texts, and content other than specified
© DrkNite. Fan art, fan photos, and other contributed materials ©
to their respective owners. All rights reserved.
© 1996 - 2008